FUEL : Empower Your Day, Fuel Your Way!

A mobile app that streamlines healthy habit tracking for software engineers, turning wellness into a rewarding journey
Rana Alshehri
Taif Alsamrani 
Hanin Alhoti
Lena Alenazi
November 2023
Designer & Developer

Key insights about fuel

Fuel, a project developed as part of the 382SWE course, addresses the stress faced by software engineers in their demanding work environment. This app is tailored for software engineers, assisting them in establishing and tracking healthy habits across social, physical, and physiological aspects. What sets Fuel apart is its focus on minimizing user interaction, acknowledging the time constraints of software engineers dealing with screens and complex systems daily. The core concept of Fuel revolves around a visual metaphor—a cute character resembling a candle that symbolizes the engineer's well-being. When tasks are completed successfully, the candle lights up, providing instant visual feedback. Fuel incorporates gamification, rewarding engineers with medals and points for task completion, and offers detailed statistics showcasing monthly and daily progress through charts.

Technologies Used

App Development: Flutter Flow

Design: Coolers for color palette, Lottie animation

Evaluation: Nelson Hubristic Evaluation and Usability Testing

you can view all related documents at the end of this page


In the project, my primary contributions were focused on enhancing the user experience and front-end design. I applied heuristic evaluation techniques, considering user interface details to minimize potential user frustration. Conducting usability testing helped identify any user dissatisfaction, emphasizing the importance of designing from the user's perspective rather than solely as a programmer. Valuing the user experience proved crucial in enhancing the overall system.


Challenges included our team's limited experience in user experience and front-end design. To overcome this, we delved into the intricacies of user interface details, applying heuristic evaluation and conducting usability testing. This process allowed us to empathize with the user's perspective and avoid designing solely from a programmer's point of view, emphasizing the significance of user experience in system design.


Fuel achieved notable success in a competition held on November 14th-15th, 2023, where our team emerged as a winner among 21 incredibly talented teams. The victory was determined by votes from both Software Engineering students and faculty.You can see the announcement here. Additionally, all relevant documents related to Fuel will be provided below , showcasing the project's journey and accomplishments.

Fuel team
November 2023
Designer & Developer

Fuel Documents, Demos, and tools

App Demo

Click here to view a simplified demo of fuel.


you can view fuel presentation here

Tools used


